Interface: TxDOT - Dallas District Roadway Devices - Traveler Vehicles

Information Flow Definitions
automated vehicle control parameters (Long-term)
Information, instructions, and control parameters for automated vehicle operations including current system conditions and advisories, control parameters (e.g., speed, required vehicle performance profiles, gaps or headways) and check in/checkout instructions.
automated vehicle control status (Long-term)
Data provided by a connected vehicle identifying it's current mode and operational status and information provided to support check–in/checkout of the lane and coordinated maneuvers while on the automated facility.
intersection status (Long-term)
Current signal phase and timing information for all lanes at a signalized intersection. This flow identifies active lanes and lanes that are being stopped and specifies the length of time that the current state will persist for each lane. It also identifies signal priority and preemption status and pedestrian crossing status information where applicable.
vehicle location and motion (Long-term)
Data describing the vehicle's location in three dimensions, heading, speed, acceleration, braking status, and size.