DFW International Airport Parking Management

Status: Existing


The DFW International Airport Parking Management Center manages parking facilities at the airport.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Dallas–Fort Worth International AirportOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Parking Area Equipment
Parking Management Center

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Parking Coordination'Parking Coordination' supports communication and coordination between equipped parking facilities and also supports regional coordination between parking facilities and traffic management systems. Coordination with traffic management supports local traffic control coordination in and around the parking facility and broader regional coordination. It also shares information with transit management systems and information providers to support multimodal travel planning, including parking reservations capabilities. Information including current parking availability, system status, and operating strategies are shared to enable local parking facility management that supports regional transportation strategies.False

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

DFW International Airport Traffic Management Center