DFW International Airport Transit Management Center

Status: Existing


The DFW Internaional Airport Transit Management Center manages the operations of transit vehicles owned and operated by the airport.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Dallas–Fort Worth International AirportOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Transit Management Center
Archived Data User System

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Transit Center Fixed–Route Operations'Transit Center Fixed–Route Operations' manages fixed route transit operations. It supports creation of schedules, blocks and runs for fixed and flexible route transit services. It allows fixed–route and flexible–route transit services to disseminate schedules and automatically updates customer service operator systems with the most current schedule information. It also supports automated dispatch of transit vehicles. Current vehicle schedule adherence and optimum scenarios for schedule adjustment are also provided. It also receives and processes transit vehicle loading data.False
Transit Center Vehicle Tracking'Transit Center Vehicle Tracking' monitors transit vehicle location. The location information is collected via a data communication link between the transit vehicles and the transit center. The location information is presented to the transit operator on a digitized map of the transit service area. The location data may be used to determine real time schedule adherence and update the transit system's schedule in real–time. The real–time schedule information is disseminated to other information providers, which furnish the information to travelers.False

Interfaces To

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DFW International Airport Transit Vehicles