Roadway Traffic Metering Functional Area


'Roadway Traffic Metering' includes the field equipment used to meter traffic on ramps, through interchanges, and on the mainline roadway. The equipment includes dynamic messages signs to provide guidance and information to drivers at and approaching a meter, including information for any special bypass lanes.

Included In

TxDOT – Dallas District Roadway Devices
TxDOT – Fort Worth District Roadway Devices

Functional Requirements

1The field element shall regulate the flow of traffic on ramps, interchanges, and the mainline, under center control.
2The field element shall monitor operation of ramp, interchange, and mainline meters and report to the center any conflicts between received control plans and current system operation.
3The field element shall return ramp, interchange, and mainline meter operational status to the controlling center.
4The field element shall provide indications to the driver that the metering system is active and provide safe transitions between active and inactive status.
5The field element shall return ramp, interchange, and mainline meter fault data to the maintenance center for repair.