Fort Worth Transportation Authority Transit Management Center

Status: Existing


The Fort Worth Transit Authority Transit Management Center is responsible for the management of transit services provided by the Fort Worth Transit Authority. The Fort Worth Transit Authority provides transit services to Fort Worth and its surrounding areas.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Fort Worth Transportation AuthorityOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Transit Management Center
Archived Data User System

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Transit Center Data Collection'Transit Center Data Collection' collects and stores transit information that is collected in the course of transit operations performed by the Transit Management Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.False
Transit Center Fare Management'Transit Center Fare Management' manages fare collection and passenger load management at the transit center. It provides the back office functions that support transit fare collection, supporting payment reconciliation with links to financial institutions and enforcement agencies for fare violations. It collects data required to determine accurate ridership levels, establish fares, and distribute fare information. It loads fare data into the vehicle prior to the beginning of normal operations and unloads fare collection data from the vehicle at the close out of normal operations.False
Transit Center Information Services'Transit Center Information Services' collects the latest available information for a transit service and makes it available to transit customers and to Transportation Information Centers for further distribution. Customers are provided information at transit stops and other public transportation areas before they embark and on–board the transit vehicle once they are en route. Information provided can include the latest available information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real–time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, yellow pages, and special events. In addition to general service information, tailored information (e.g., itineraries) are provided to individual transit users.False
Transit Center Paratransit Operations'Transit Center Paratransit Operations' manages demand responsive transit services, including paratransit services. It supports planning and scheduling of these services, allowing paratransit and other demand response transit services to plan efficient routes and better estimate arrival times. It also supports automated dispatch of paratransit vehicles and tracks passenger pick–ups and drop–offs. Customer service operator systems are updated with the most current schedule information.False
Transit Center Security'Transit Center Security' monitors transit vehicle operator or traveler activated alarms received from on–board a transit vehicle. It supports transit vehicle operator authentication and provides the capability to remotely disable a transit vehicle. It also includes the capability to alert operators and police to potential incidents identified by these security features.False
Transit Center Vehicle Tracking'Transit Center Vehicle Tracking' monitors transit vehicle location. The location information is collected via a data communication link between the transit vehicles and the transit center. The location information is presented to the transit operator on a digitized map of the transit service area. The location data may be used to determine real time schedule adherence and update the transit system's schedule in real–time. The real–time schedule information is disseminated to other information providers, which furnish the information to travelers.False

Interfaces To

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Fort Worth Transportation Authority Information Management
Fort Worth Transportation Authority Transit Vehicles
Fort Worth Transportation Authority Traveler Information Devices
Fort Worth Transportation Authority Web Site
Google Transit