Traveler Vehicles

Status: Existing


Vehicles are vehicles operated by individuals making trips in the North Central Texas region.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Traveling PublicOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Vehicle OBE

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Vehicle Basic Toll/Parking Payment'Vehicle Basic Toll/Parking Payment' includes the traditional on–board systems that pay for tolls and parking electronically. It includes the in–vehicle equipment that communicates with the toll/parking plaza and an optional interface to a carry–in payment device. See also 'Vehicle Payment Services', which provides a broader range of payment services.False
Vehicle Control Automation'Vehicle Control Automation' provides lateral and/or longitudinal control of a vehicle to allow 'hands off' and/or 'feet off' driving, automating the steering, accelerator, and brake control functions. It builds on the sensors included in 'Vehicle Safety Monitoring' and 'Vehicle Control Warning' and uses the information about the area surrounding the vehicle to safely control the vehicle. It covers the range of incremental control capabilities from driver assistance systems that take over steering or acceleration/deceleration in limited scenarios with direct monitoring by the driver to full automation where all aspects of driving are automated under all roadway and environmental conditions.False
Vehicle Cooperative Cruise Control'Vehicle Cooperative Cruise Control' uses V2V communications to share speeds and coordinate maneuvers with adjacent vehicles in the same lane (a CACC 'string'), maintaining vehicle speed and a safe gap with the predecessor vehicle. It provides the capability for vehicles to cluster into strings of CACC–equipped vehicles with compatible performance characteristics and share speed, location, acceleration/deceleration, path predictions (e.g., intended acceleration/deceleration) with other vehicles in the string. These capabilities are provided by systems on board the vehicle that coordinate with other vehicles and control acceleration and braking. In advanced implementations, the capability to coordinate with the infrastructure to support more advanced clustering strategies and use infrastructure provided target speed and traffic control information to improve performance.False
Vehicle Intersection Warning'Vehicle Intersection Warning' uses V2V and V2I communications to monitor other connected vehicles at intersections and support the safe movement of the vehicle through the intersection. Driver warnings are provided and the application may also optionally take control of the vehicle to avoid collisions. The application will also notify the infrastructure and other vehicles if it detects an unsafe infringement on the intersection.False
Vehicle Location Determination'Vehicle Location Determination' receives current location of the vehicle and provides this information to vehicle applications that use the location information to provide ITS services.False
Vehicle Platoon Operations'Vehicle Platoon Operations' provides the capability for vehicles to operate in cooperative platoons with short fixed gaps and a designated lead vehicle. These capabilities are provided by systems on board the vehicle that coordinate with other vehicles and regulate acceleration and braking and provide higher–level functions that enable vehicles to join and depart from vehicle platoons.False

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

City of Dallas Parking Management
City of Plano Parking Management
LBJ Express Roadway Payment
Local Parking Management
North Texas Tollway Authority Roadway Payment
TxDOT – Dallas District Roadway Devices
TxDOT – Fort Worth District Roadway Devices